
In order to complete the educational forum managed by the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Foundation (YAPETIDU) Jombang, since 1987 the establishment of a higher education institution has been initiated. This effort finally paid off in 1989, obtaining an operational permit from the Director General of Islamic Religious Institutional Development, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 35/E/1989 to organize an Undergraduate Study Program in the Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah, which is headquartered at Darul ‘Ulum University (UNDAR) Jombang. and obtain Registered Status based on the Decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number 158 of 1990, as well as Recognized Status based on the Decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number 368 of 1996. In addition, higher education institutions managed by foundations do not only organize S-1 Study programs for Islamic Religious Education ( PAI) only, because in 1991 the foundation received a Decree from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number HK. registered status of the S-1 study program majoring in Ahwal Al Syakhsiyah (AS) Syari’ah Faculty which is also the head of the Univ Darul Ulum Institute (UNDAR) Jombang. Then in 1999 the foundation received the Decree of the Ministry of National Education Number 122/D/O/1999 to establish the Darul Ulum School of Foreign Languages ​​(STIBA DU) and this year also received the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Institutional Development Number E/110/1999 name The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Sharia, Darul Ulum University was changed to the Darul Ulum Islamic College (STAI DU) Jombang, the Department of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) with recognized status and the Department of Ahwal Al Syakhsiyah (US) registered. Furthermore, in 2002, the foundation also received a Decree from the Ministry of Health Number 242/D/O/2002 to establish the Darul Ulum Midwifery Academy (AKBID DU).

Notary Deed No. 7 Mayuni Sofyan Hadi, SH., dated April 5, 2000 which has been amended and added according to developments, with Notarial Deed. 59 H. Mayuni Sofyan Hadi, SH. Dated March 24, 2005 the last with Notary Deed Masruchin, SH, M.Hum No. 13. May 5, 2010 and has been ratified by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number: AHU.2560.AH.01.04. on June 28, 2010 with a registered TIN of Pratama Mojokerto is 02.007.564.4-602.000.