Dina Eka Shofiana, Unipdu Lecturer Wins 2021 Industrial Internship Lecturer Program Kemdikbud, Research and Technology

Unipdu Jombang – One of the programs “Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka” launched by kemdikbudristek is an Industrial Internship Lecturer Program that belongs to the Tri Dharma Higher Education dedication group.

In 2021, the Kemdikbudristek Industrial Internship Lecturer Program passed 93 participants from 63 universities throughout Indonesia. Unipdu Jombang is one of the universities that passed the 2021 Industrial Internship program. Contained in the announcement of the Directorate General of Higher Education Kemdikbudristek in letter number: 2565 / E4 / KK.04.02 / 2021 about the Announcement of the results of the interview stage of the Lecturer Internship Program to Industry in 2021 (Download The Announcement letter)

Dina Eka Shofiana (Unipdu Lecturer), who passed the Program expressed “thanks to the Unipdu leadership who has supported and provided the opportunity to implement the Tri Dharma program through the Internship program in this Industry”.

As is known, this program only passed 93 participants, “this process is indeed through strict selection, both judging from the experience, qualifications, work programs and external achievements that must exist from this program”, continued Mrs. Dina (her familiar greeting) recounting the experience of the selection process.

PT. Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya, Tbk engaged in Snacks, one of which is recognized by Kemdikbud Ristek to become an industry internship partner, will be a partner in the implementation of this activity.

Furthermore, the mother of 3 children who also struggle in the logistics business said “we will try our best in this program, and hopefully many Unipdu lecturers will follow this program in the years to come. Because this program is very important and will provide a good experience to be implemented in the learning process on campus” (MBU)